applied magnetics is an engineering firm specialising in electrical engineering and in-company technical training. It was founded in 1994 and is based in Morges.
Our areas of activity include the design of electrotechnical devices and the distribution of scientific software. We also advise our customers on the choice of magnetic materials and their characterisation. Our company has extensive expertise in watchmaking, biomedicine, mechatronics and the production and transmission of electrical energy.
Don't hesitate to call on us for the design of electrical engineering devices (electrical machines, transformers, actuators, sensors, magnetic shielding, micromotors and microgenerators).
Our services
The software represented by applied magnetics covers a wide range of electrotechnical applications for a broad spectrum of users. We are active in electrical networks, renewable energies, electromechanics and biotechnology. Our software solutions are suitable for university teaching, R&D and technical offices.
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